Thursday, September 22, 2011

Week Four - Free Write

Completely random generation of language. This may be an indication of how wonked-out my mind is this week:

Child-learners! Look at the sky, he says, where does that plane go? To Minnesota, to Tokyo—no, to the prairie king of lobsterbitten cheeks. Clap-jawed crusted jewels, sewn by trinkets of worms. The trap-masticated carcass of a opossum, jarred from hungered masters. The swing of spoken word, lapped off at the arm, tricked and treated against the doorframe of polite glass figures. Garden roads lifted to bent leather, the underarm of poetic intent. Resist ring-wormed boys, treatable chicks, clogged up dogs. Wrinkles of festering blog posts, trampled and stapled to elephant trunks pressurizing water. The beepbop march of a frizzed and sprayed and dried teenager.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is fantastic work. Sometimes, the best stuff comes out of these kind of “nonsense” activities. Lines I think you should keep close: “clap-jawed crusted jewels,” “lapped off at the arm,” “the doorframe of polite glass figures,” “clogged up dogs,” “frizzed and sprayed and dried teenager.” Great stuff.

    Now, triangulate! (That’s my new favorite word.) See if you can’t pick out some sort of subject matter – I’m seeing some connections. You’ve got some kind of gross images mixed in with some prettier ones – the dogs, the teenagers, the festering blog posts. And if you still can’t find a subject, just take those keeper lines and then write some more nonsense, but try to focus it around a different “theme.” That’s what I do, anyway. It might work for you too.

    I’d love to see you draft this further. Good luck!
